
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Family Structure in Eating Disorders Essay -- Relationships Health Pap

Family Structure in feeding Disorders We are alone genetically and socially affected by our families. Families serve as the ground substance of our identity. It is through interactions within the family that we develop a sense of who we are and how we mark off in (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Parents serve as role models, providing examples for attitudes, coping skills, and eating habits, as well as setting standards for betterion, ambition and acceptance (Hall & Cohn, 1992). Many researchers strike that family dynamics are at the root of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. The role of dysfunctional family interactions in the pathogenesis of anorexia nervosa has been given a prominent perplex in the research field. Evidence for a specific family constellation in this disorder, however, has been conflicting. While the majority of studies argue for a specific family interaction style, moreover studies must be conducted to identify distinguishing characteristics of an orexic subtypes and to determine whether these characteristics are of a causal or consequential nature (Minuchin, Rosman & Baker, 1978). Family focused treatments for anorexia nervosa have been actual based on accounts in family therapy literature of the typical anorexic or psychosomatic family (Weme & Yalom, 1996). Anorexic families may appear to have a perfect or ideal environment on the surface, but upon close watching little expression of affection or warmth is seen. Members of these families seldom take on specific stands on issues, and conflict is avoided at all costs. Underlying dissatisfaction and focus is often present within the parental dyad. It has been suggested that parents of anorexic offspring vest high expectations on their children to over-com... ...oanalysis and Eatiniz Disorders. Guilford Press parvenu York. Blinder, B.J., Chaitin, B.F., & Goldstein, R.S. (1988) The Eating Disorders. PMA Publishing New York. Broberg, A. (1993). The anorectic family--an old- fashioned concept. Lakartidningen, 5O 4550-4553. Hall, L., & Cohn, L. (1992). Bulimia, A Guide To Recovory Gurze Books CA. Le Grange, D.C., & Rutherford, J. (1994). Redefining the psychosomatic family family processes of 26 eating disorder families. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 3, 211-226. Minuchin, S., Rosman, B.L., & Baker, L. (1978). PYchosomatic Families. Harvard University Press Mass. Weiss, L., Katzman, M., & Wolchik, S. (1985). Treating Bulimia. A Psychoeducational Approach. Pergamon Press New York. Weme, J., & Yalom, J.D. (1996). Treating Eating Disorders. Jossey-Bass Publishers San Francisco.

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