I. INTRODUCTION: The modern pirate can steal more with a computer than with a gun. Tomorrows terrorist may be devote to do more terms with a keyboard than with a summit it. -National Research Council, Computers at assay, 1991. The net income is fast bonnie a way of tone for millions of people and excessively a way of living beca customs of growing dependence and doctrine of the public on these machines. net profit has enabled the use of website communication, netmail and a rophy of eithertime everywhere IT solutions for the rise of human kind. Cyber crime which is also cognise as Internet crimes or Computer crimes is any sorry activity that uses a computer either as an instrument, locate or a means for perpetuating further crimes or offences or contraventions under any virtue. These offences involve non single the use of computers but the Internet, net and the tools and techniques of World Wide sack as well. While the general scenario on cyber crime looks bleak, the concomitant in India is also not better. Major cybercrimes reported in India ar denial of services, dishonor of web sites, spam, computer computer virus and worms, pornography, cyber squatting, cyber stalking and phishing. Especially, cases of spam, hacking, cyber stalking and email fraud are rampant(ip) in India. a) What is Cyber police?
Cyber Law is the law governing cyber quadruplet. Cyber space is a very wide term and includes computers, networks, software, data remembering devices (such as hard disks, USB disks etc), the Internet, websites, emails and sluice electronic devices such as cellphone phones, ATM machines etc. b) Cyber law encompasses laws relating to: 1. Cyber Crimes 2. Electronic and Digital Signatures 3. gifted Property 4. information Protection and Privacy c) constabulary of Indian Cyber Law (I.T. Act, 2000): The chief(a) initiation of cyber law in India is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) which came into tie on 17 October 2000. The primitive purpose of the Act is to raise effective recognition to...If you lack to get a full(a) essay, localize it on our website:
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